Developing Set Ideas



Since my previous post, I have had much enthusiasm from the rest of the company in terms of re-creating the wooden 3D angel for our production. Furthermore, I have managed to develop this concept in collaboration with the production manager, and have decided to create two wooden angels, identical in size and appearance, but with a reversal of the image, so that they will appear to face each other from opposite corners of the stage. If we placed these at the edges of the proscenium arch, and reinforced them with stage weights and brackets, they could create a really impressive and imposing scenic composition. Therefore, in moving forward, I have arranged to meet with our stage manager to source some wood in the coming week.

Furthermore, as we need to create ‘the bloody chamber’ somehow on stage, perhaps we could consider a form of doorway, or gateway, such as the crypt/tomb image above?


Word Count: 150.


Works Cited:

Image, Online: (accessed 12 February 2013).