Post-Show Evaluation

A Gothic Tale was a challenging performance to complete as it was very technically demanding. Our aim with this performance was to create a visual spectacle which captivated its audience using elaborate technical elements; however we were very cautious of not overwhelming the performance with tech. Technology should be used to enhance the performance rather than distract from the story itself.

I feel that we succeeded with this aimas feedback for the show was extremely positive, one audience member even commenting on how our tech was comparable with that of professional productions. The get-in on performance day went very smoothly and, although it lasted longer than predicted, we had planned in advance for such an occurrence and were able to adapt our schedule respectively. The technical documentation produced also succeeded in assisting with the get-in process, ensuring that the company had enough time for a detailed cue-to-cue and a dress rehearsal. The set we constructed functioned very well, although an emergency trip to B&Q was required to buy more cord as bungee cord was not doing the job. However, because money had been left in the budget for such an emergency and enough technical staff were at the venue, this was not a problem.

We also managed to save time having already programmed a QLab file which operated both the lights and sound. This also meant that when one of the sound files became corrupted shortly before the show began, we were well organised and able to correct this problem quickly.

I believe I played a vital role in producing this performance and am happy with the way I organised and managed the production team. All technical elements of the production came together very well and I succeeded in ensuring that every part of the production (set, costume and props) came in either on or under budget and that all documentation, designs and construction was completed in plenty of time. My organisation of the team and production, along with the commitment of the production crew, meant that this tech-heavy show went ahead with few problems and was successful in creating a visually stimulating performance.

Kate Dawson

Word Count: 357