Progeny Theatre Company Meeting
Date: 7/2/13
Notes since last meeting:
Jess & Kelsey – to present data findings from market research.
Jamie & Steph – to report on the costings of rights for the plays.
Final Decision for stories used.
Decision needs to be made for performance title.
Script writing update.
Discussion on motif for advertising.
Organising the “About us” section on blog (photos, order etc.)
Hannah Smith – Working
Steph Doe – Working
Kelsey Stirling – At home
Lewis Chanel – ill
Marketing/Advertising/Finance Team update:
Nothing to report as Kelsey could not attend the meeting.
Scriptwriting Team update:
Change in story: instead of matchstick girl, we are now using two stories.
Matchstick girls story would not have enough depth within the performance.
Keeping in mind who does what in other job roles. (deciding who to act the main roles).
Bloody Chamber & Snow Child are the two stories decided upon to use.
Casting session – once the story has actually been written/decided on.
Synopsis of performance overall by Monday 11th Feb.
Design Team update:
A projection of a story book with characters walking out at the start and the book closing at the end (the end)
Merging pictures/ making different rooms
large posters of classical paintings, surrealist thing, cutting things into a collision – to make a room of pictures.
House of pictures, house of stories
Steph’s vision on lighting design: one light, people walking into it, darkness around (half face)?
Production will be more about the lighting; sharp and crisp. Lighting will be integral to the piece.
Lighting has a big influence on the blocking. (Steph)
The general ideas for the production are: Big, Spectacular, WOW factor.
Need to have haze during the performance.
Sponsors needed to pay for these things. (Fund-raising also?)
Researching Edward Gordon Craig for influence to set design.
Costume wise – big elaborate melodramatic.
What is the stage going to be like? How much space will we have?
Really need the script in order to decide what is going to be made.
Additional notes from today’s meeting:
Still debating the idea of PlayZone. Whether it is professional or not.
Sam – to design a logo for our company. Put his advertisement on our page.