Technical Documentation – Before
Technical Documentation is produced as a way of informing receiving theatres of a theatre company’s technical requirements. Without such documentation the venue would be unprepared for a company’s arrival and, as a consequence, the get-in process would be slower and less efficient, meaning that time would be wasted which may have been used for technical/dress rehearsals. Maximum use of time is a valuable factor for our theatre company as we have limited time to complete the get-in, which starts at 9.00am, before the performance, which begins at 7.30pm. Therefore, producing technical documentation which is thorough and well-explained is vital.
Despite our theatre companies amateur status, I feel it is important to produce documentation which rivals that of other professional theatre companies. Not only is it a valuable experience for a newly establishing company to produce such material, it also gives the theatre a good first-impression of the company.
As Production Manager, my role is to ensure that all technical elements of this production are completed to a high standard, which will ‘fit together’ to produce a high quality performance. My aim is to produce documentation which is as professional looking as our performance, as well as highly detailed.
The Technical Rider is that which holds the most detail of a company’s performance. It explains what equipment/staging is needed, details on the company and the show they are touring, as well as any FOH/Company requirements. It is my responsibly, along with the Stage Management/Technical team to produce this and other technical documentation.
Kate Dawson
Word Count: 255