
This post is just a brainstorm of some of the fundraising ideas I had if we needed more money for the budget.


  • Bake sale – LPAC Cafe
    We would bake a variety of our own cakes, liaise with the LPAC to set up a date and spend a couple of hours in the cafe.
  • Quiz – LPAC Cafe
    Taking inspiration from online, we could put together a quiz of around 20 questions, charging 50p-£1 for every entry.
  • Bring & sell – LPAC Cafe
    A bring and sell is where we could have brought in anything from our homes that we do not want/need anymore and asking for a donation for it instead of selling it for a certain price. The items of course would have to be in good shape and could not be anything inappropriate!
  • Donations to Progeny (collection) – LPAC
    This would just be a basic donation – tell people what we are about and what we are doing and why we require donations. There would be no pushing people into giving us money.
  • Sponsored fancy dress for the day
    Fancy dress which includes the whole company could be a fun idea. The fancy dress would have to be a theme which linked to our performance or made people want to sponsor us!
  • Sponsored silence
    Some people may love to shut us up for a limited amount of time! We would have to prove this by being out in public though.
  • Running a workshop for the public (including schools, colleges or youth centers).
    This was an idea from Hannah. We could have ran a small workshop on ideas which stemmed from our original fairy tale ideas. It would only be one hour long per workshop.
  • Bingo night – LPAC Cafe
    Speaks for itself really. Again, charge 50p-£1 per entry.
  • Competitions – eg. the competition we had on our Facebook page (guess what this image is)


There are of course many other ways in which we as a company could fundraise, these are just several of the ideas we could have chosen from. For now, we do not need to fundraise.




Word count: 344