Final Costume.



Jacket and trousers- navy or black or dark colour.
Shoes- Black and polished
Tie- Black skinny tie

Hair- brushed to one side and grey

Make up- White on face and dark, black circles around the eyes. Contour to enhance cheek bones.


Top- Black corset or shirt
Skirt- Large black, flowing skirt
Coat or jacket- Black and elegant
Shoes- Small ballet like pumps
Necklace- Ribbon with gem so it looks like the throat has been slit
Ring- Large, diamond ring to show wealth
Underwear- Black

Hair- All back in a bun with a clip in side of head.

Make up- White on face and dark, black eyes. Contour to enhance cheek bones. Red lips.

Countess wedding-

Clothing- Wedding dress

Hair- in bun same as above with something in side such as a clip or headband which is white

Piano Tuner-

Trousers- Light grey/ beige coloured
Top- white shirt tucked out or slightly scruffy
Waist coat- light grey/ beige to show he is trying to make an effort
Shoes- Black shoes that are slightly dusty and scuffed
Hair- Taken to the side so fringe is out of eyes.

Make up- None. A very natural look is important

Will look into contacts for eyes- Depends if budget will stretch/ will the audience see?

Snow Child

Dress- Sleeveless white nighty- I want this to be slightly see through so it has a seductiveness about it but also a purity.
Socks- Nude/ white colour to show her child side
Underwear- Nude and white underwear & Bra to wear over top of nude.

Hair- Down and straight.

Make up- No eye make up with white face to show she is cold.


Dress- Blue dress which is down to ankles with underskirt to make it large
Apron- White apron
Shoes- Black colour ballet shoes
Accessories- Duster, glasses and a broom

Hair- Taken back into a messy style bun

Make up- Very minimal and natural but it is obvious she has a little on as she still wants to make a good impression and look after herself.

Ex Wife

Dress- All red or dark red dress that comes below knee with full arms down to the wrist.
Tights or leggings- Thick black tights or leggings with holes in them.
Shoes- Black shoes for the first scene and brown boots for other scenes.
Accessories- Black hat or black hair piece. Black lace or normal gloves. Could carry a small basket with belongings in it?

Hair- Large, backcombed and matted to show she has been out in the woods a long time.

Make up- White face with dark and red circles around the eyes. Contoured cheek bones with deep red.

The Angel

Dress- Black dress which comes down to the knee
Shoes- Black shoes to match the dress
Face- Painted face that is silver to represent the statues on stage.

Ex wives in the chamber

Clothing- Black dressed with black tights or leggings.
Shoes- Black shoes
Accessories- Red masks


Clothing- All black clothing
Accessories- Leaves and twigs all over body. Masks that have been decorated with leaves.

Hannah Smith.